Crushing on the Cop (Blue Collar Brothers Book 2) Read online

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  “I might accept it, but he’s on traffic duty for the next two months.” He laughs, increasing our pace a little at a time until we both cross the finish line side by side.

  I’m bent over taking a breath when a pumpkin spice donut is placed under my nose. Looking up, I see Cristian there sipping a coffee.

  “What did you say I get for first place again?” he asks, the donut medal around his neck and a cocky smile on his lips.

  “You get me.” I jump into his arms forcing him to have to drop the coffee and donut on the grass.

  “Good because that’s all I want.” He walks over to a nearby tree, using it to prop me up and kisses me with tongue—in public.

  “I’m fairly sure you don’t want your commander to ticket you for indecency.” My dad clears his throat behind us and I unhook my legs from Cristian’s waist and he steps far enough back that you’d think we’re strangers.

  “No, Sir. My apologies. Your daughter…”

  My dad and I laugh and I punch Cristian in the gut. He pretends to buckle over, and my dad praises my technique. Then we go and eat our donuts and coffee by the lakefront.

  It’s a day I’ll never forget and I’m happy that Cristian was here to share it with me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  All my psych classes taught me that closure is a real thing. Seeing the change in Vanessa after she ran that race with her dad proves that theory right. They both crossed that finish line laughing. In all the years I’ve watched Vanessa interact with her father whether at a memorial service or just stopping in for lunch, she barely smiled, let alone laughed.

  After the race, the four of us sat on rocks by the lakefront and talked and laughed. Vicki told the story about her first date with the Commander and how he took her to some taco dive. She almost called an Uber in the middle of it. Now, none of us would make the Commander look like anything less than Einstein at the district, so imagine my surprise when Vanessa laughs along with her father.

  They hugged goodbye and as great as it was to see Vanessa so happy with her dad, a selfish part of me was happy to have her to myself.

  On the way home, I figure I’ve been a good boy and waited long enough, so I send a text to my brothers.

  Me: Stay the fuck away from the apartment tonight.

  Mauro: We’re already here. Don’t come in, I’ve got Maddie spread out on the counter covered in whipped cream.

  Me: Gross and go to your own goddamn house.

  Luca: Ma would be upset you’re using the Lord’s name in vain. If it means you’re getting some, I’m happy to stay away. Maybe you won’t have such a stick up your ass if you get some ass. LOL

  Mauro: Not really funny, bro.

  Luca: It so was.

  Me: No it wasn’t.

  Mauro: You don’t need to worry about me. Me and Maddie are bringing dinner to Ma & Pa’s and spending our Saturday night playing games.

  Luca: Maddie’s nerd idea?

  Mauro: Mine asshole.

  Me: Let me guess, Boggle? Lol

  Mauro: Monopoly.

  Luca: And you’re playing that with Dad? Good luck. I give him five minutes before he flips the board over.

  Me: I say three. He’ll try the whole hierarchy trick by saying he gets the best properties.

  Mauro: Let’s see how Ma is about skinless, boneless chicken breasts and steamed veggies.

  Luca: I’m pretty sure she’d be the same as me. Spit it out on the ground like a toddler.

  Me: What about some ravioli?

  Mauro: LMAO

  Luca: You guys are fuckers and whoever dropped them off at the station saying I forgot my lunch is an asshole.

  Me: That would be me.

  Mauro: Shit, why didn’t I think of that?

  Luca: Because all you think about is Maddie now.

  Mauro: Jealous? Hey, speaking of jealousy, I heard Jericho went home with Lauren Thursday night.

  Me: You’ve gotta be kidding me.

  Mauro: Maddie was supposed to get the 411 today.

  Me: Great, now I’m gonna have to hear about their fuckscapade for eight hours in a patrol car.

  Mauro: Luca? Nothing to add?

  Me: No smartass comment?

  Luca: I don’t give a shit what Hunt does.

  Me: Anyway, glad we’re all on the same page. No coming to the apartment tonight. I’m not joking. If you interrupt us I will pull my gun on you assholes.

  Mauro: Threatening us with physical harm? We know you don’t mean it.

  Luca: Not to mention I can wrestle it out of your hands.

  Me: In your dreams.

  Mauro: I’m out of this convo. I got better things to do than have a pissing contest.

  Me: I’m out, too. Stay away, Luca. I’m putting the latch across so you’ve been warned.

  Luca: Watch out for Mrs. Johnson. Hate for the cops to interrupt you and the Commander’s daughter. See how fast that gossip travels.

  Luca: Cristian and Vanessa sitting in a sex swing, F-U-C-K-I-N-G, first comes off the clothes…

  Me: You really are a dipshit.

  Luca: Your life would be boring without me. You should thank Ma.

  Mauro: We were happy without you.

  Me: You know what they say about the oops baby…

  Mauro: LMAO

  Luca: That he’s awesome.

  I tuck my phone back into my pocket and feel it vibrate a few more times.

  Vanessa glances over at me. “Who are you texting?”

  “My brothers. Telling them they aren’t welcome at the apartment tonight.”

  She nuzzles into me while we walk down Michigan Avenue. I could get used to this affectionate side of Vanessa.

  “Does that mean what I think it does?”

  “And what do you think it means?” I ask, holding back a laugh.

  “That you’re removing my chastity belt…again.”

  I stop us in front of the art museum, guiding her by the chin to meet my eyes.

  “Don’t take my restraint as anything other than I like to torment myself.” I kiss her lips and she leans into me so effortlessly the warm feeling in my chest spreads.

  Is this all because she got closure from her dad? I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m just going to enjoy it.

  “Take me home now,” she whispers.

  I lean in and kiss her again. “One more stop.” I place a quick kiss on her nose.

  “UGGGHHH… still a buzzkill, Bianco.”

  I drag her away from the building by her hand. “Promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  Making our way through the downtown area, we end up in the alley behind my parents’ deli.

  “Is your fantasy to take me against a brick wall because...” She plays with the hem of her shirt. “I’m game.”

  “No.” I laugh, stopping her hands because if my dad walks out of that store and sees Vanessa’s tits, I’m not sure either of us could handle it.

  “That’s my parents’ shop.” I point to the closed metal door to our right. “That’s their dumpster.” I point to the smelly, beat-up metal bin.

  “Is this a tour of Cristian past?” she asks. “Get it? Like Christmas Past from Scrooge?”

  I chuckle at her lame joke and shake my head. “When I was in the academy, you get to know your classmates and at some point, everyone shares their story of why they decided to become a police officer.”

  “Oh.” She loses her playful aura realizing I’m about to share something personal with her. This is something I’ve shared with very few people and I hope she can see that this means something.

  “For some, the police force is a stepping stone into the bureau. Others were born into the blue family and think they have no choice. Some just want the power that comes with the badge and some want to help their community. Other people like that the job offers stability. Growing up, I wanted to be a hockey player. After my parents told me at fourteen they didn’t have the money for me to join a travel team that was heavily recr
uiting me, I was pissed off.”

  I lean along the brick wall with her in front of me, her chin resting on my chest while she looks up at me.

  “I came out here to throw a bag of trash in the bin, still mad about the whole thing and ready to go apeshit on the dumpster. I caught what I thought was a couple having sex. Remember I was fourteen and had zero experience, so it wasn’t until the door slammed behind me that they noticed me and I saw the scene for what was really happening.”

  I look down and I can tell from the expression on her face that she understands where I’m going with this story.

  “Her shirt was ripped and her skirt was up around her waist. He had his hand wrapped around her throat. Now back then I was a buck sixty, scrawny, and without my pads and stick, basically defenseless. Other than wrestling with Mauro and Luca, I’d never been in a fight. I went on impulse and yelled.

  “The guy tried to fight me. He approached and punched me in the face. Then he pulled up his pants and ran. The woman fell to the ground, whimpering and crying. I didn’t know what to do. I pulled my phone out and handed it to her. Telling her to call the police.”

  “And?” Vanessa asks, worry filling her stare.

  “She refused to call. She said the police don’t help people like her.”

  “What? Why?” She rears back so we’re not touching anymore.

  “I think she was a prostitute or an escort, but he was definitely not a client of hers.”

  “She never called?”

  I shake my head with my lips turned down. “No. I gave her my shirt and she scurried away. Let the man just get away with raping her or attempting to rape her, I guess, I’m not sure. I was so mad after. Madder than I’d been at my parents before any of this happened. I called the police on her behalf, but they acted like I was an inconvenience and said if she doesn’t want to file a report I can’t do it for her. I didn’t even know her name or anything anyway.”

  She nods.

  “I guess.” She steps in front of me again, entwining both our hands in the air between us. “I just wanted you to know why I chose this profession and why it’s important to me. I do it so I can make a difference. So that I can be the type of officer who people will trust to help them, regardless of who they are.”

  “Cristian,” she sighs falling into my chest, then kissing my neck. “Thank you for sharing.”

  I wrap her in my arms. “It’s important for you to understand that I’m not someone who will try to control you. I didn’t become a police officer to be a dictator.”

  Her lips press to my neck once more. “I don’t think that.”

  We stay there for a few minutes, me remembering that night so vividly. I’ve thought of that woman almost every time I stepped out of here. I thought of her when I was sworn in and every time I’m first on the scene at a sexual assault call. I see her mascara-stained face in all the victims.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” I take her hand and pull her toward the alley’s exit. “This isn’t really going to get you in the mood.”

  “We’re not going to see your parents?” she asks.

  “No. They’ve got someone else working on the weekend. Regardless, today you’re mine and I’m not sharing.”

  A huge grin spreads across her face and she jumps on my back. We get a few odd looks as I give her a piggy back through the busy city streets.

  On the train, we’re one of those annoying couples making out. I try to keep it PG, but we veer into voyeur territory for a minute. But no one can blame me for that. This woman is irresistible. I don’t think there’s such thing as getting enough.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I’m not too proud to say that I misjudged Cristian. He’s not my father, or I suppose who my father was or who I thought he was? He was like a different man today after I let my guard down.

  By the time we end up at his apartment, my body is coiled tight with desire. He unlocks the door and we step inside. It’s a quiet Saturday afternoon with the sun beating through the windows onto the dark wood floors.

  “Did you want to shower?” He toes out of his gym shoes, disposes of his keys and wallet on the table and heads right to the blinds, shutting the ones letting in the most sunlight.

  “Sure. I suppose I should.”

  All the flirting and sexual innuendos all day have led up to this moment, but now that we’re alone it’s almost as if neither one of us is sure what the other wants. I’ve never been shy with a guy before, but I’m scared now what Cristian will think of me if I initiate something.

  “I guess we should’ve gone to your house.” He approaches me, his hand resting on my shoulder and running down my arm until my hand is in his. “That’s my bad.”

  “It’s okay. I can borrow some clothes?”

  “Of course.” He starts to walk to the bedroom and I follow behind, my hand tucked into his, his thumb running circles in my palm. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m okay.”

  He turns to me when we reach his bedroom. The drapes are drawn, leaving only a hint of light from outside seeping through the cracks.

  A dark bedspread covers a queen size mattress that’s pushed up against one of the walls and his dresser has not much more than his cologne on it. Boys and their minimalist decorating. There are no picture frames and he doesn’t even have a television in his bedroom.

  His gaze meets mine and my heart pounds harder in my chest.

  This is more stressful than when I lost my virginity.

  His hand slides up my arm again and he steps closer, making all the air in my lungs rush out. This is it. We’re going to have sex and it’s not going to be anything like the first time, I can feel it. There’s more weight, more meaning to what we’re about to do.

  I inhale his masculine scent before his two hands guide my face to his. He dips his head and I rise until our lips meet.

  I thought it’d be explosive. We’ve been flirting all week, by now we should be ripping our clothes off ravishing one another.

  But our kiss is slow and sweet and just…everything.

  “Vanessa,” he whispers against my lips.

  How can so much emotion be conveyed in a single word from his lips? As if I’m some golden ticket he thought he’d never win.

  He runs his nose up and down my cheek, his hands never leaving my face as he steps closer. I cling to his t-shirt as if he might vanish.

  “Please, Cristian,” I say, not rushing us but verbally telling him, ‘I’m in this and not just for the sex.’ For us and everything we may or may not become.

  Finding my lips again, his kiss grows hungrier and a moan slips from the back of my throat. Our tongues don’t fight with one another, they slide in a gentle pace slowly growing deeper and deeper.

  My hands slide under the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it up, loving the feel of his delicious tense muscles hidden underneath. His lips only leave mine to help me strip the shirt from him. Our lips collide once more, but this time it’s him pulling my shirt over my head.

  “Van.” This time he’s shortened my name like it’d kill him to take the time to say the whole thing. “Fuck.” His voice holds frustration as his hands glide around to my back and find that there’s no clasp on my bra.

  A light laugh bubbles up out of me and my head falls into the crook of his neck.

  “Sports bras are not my friend.” He’s laughing too as his strong hands try to wiggle me out of it.

  Eventually, I stand in front of him, naked from the waist up.

  “Those things are off-limits from now on.”

  He steps into me and his hot searing skin presses against my breasts and I lose all control. We kiss for another minute before he pulls back.

  “Let’s see if I can work these better.” His fingers drag my workout pants down my hips and I slide out of them, taking off my socks, too.

  “You should be easier.” I pull down his shorts and realize he’s got on those damn compression pants. “I love them, but th
ey’re like the male version of a damn sports bra.”

  He takes them off himself and his socks join the rest of our clothes. I take a moment to appreciate his body because I didn’t last time. His rippled stomach, the perfect shape of a V on his lower torso, his amazing cock and strong thighs. He is lean muscle and all man. Pure perfection and he’s mine.

  No awkwardness remains when we embrace again, our lips feasting on each other. His bare cock presses against my stomach and makes me impatient to feel him inside me. Somehow, we end up on the bed with me straddling him, my center rubbing along his hard length, bringing back memories of us in his Audi.

  He slides his hand down my ribcage and tucks between my legs, moving in slow circles across my clit.

  “You’re dripping.” His voice sounds pained as if it’s agonizing to feel me so wet.

  I lift up from him and he takes the opportunity to push a finger inside of me and quickly adds a second. I throw my head back in a moan as he curls his fingers and presses against that perfect spot inside me.

  Before long he rolls us over so he’s the one on his knees, his mouth on mine, his fingers pumping in and out, spurring me on. I lay in complete bliss, a slave to the mastery of his hands and mouth.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he whispers. “I’ve pictured this exact scene.”

  I reach between us and wrap my hand around his engorged length. As I pump, he thrusts into my hand.

  A groan rumbles through him and he bends down, taking one nipple into his mouth. Suck, nibble, suck—over and over again, he shifts his attention from one breast to the other. The first flutterings of my impending orgasm tighten my core.

  His lips and fingers leave my body and his cock slides out of my hand.

  “No,” I cry out.

  “Don’t worry, we have plenty of time.” A devilish smile crosses his lips and the tip of his tongue licks down between the valley of my breasts, past my belly button and he situates himself between my legs.

  His fingers torment me with pleasure once again and his tongue joins the cadence of his rhythm. My head falls back to the pillows and I relish the feel of him worshiping my body.


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