Crushing on the Cop (Blue Collar Brothers Book 2) Page 18
Her fingers play with my wet hair and my hands slide up and down her torso. We kiss as though there’s no clock dictating our eventual parting. Our tongues slide together in a slow dance delaying the inevitability of leaving the cocoon we’ve built around us.
One night wasn’t near long enough.
“I guess I got you kind of dirty,” she says when she pulls away.
I pull out of her, work an annoying tick in the back of my brain.
“I’ll let you shower for real now.” Instead of leaving the shower, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me one last time. “See you in your bed.”
My dick pouts that his best form of entertainment is leaving and my heart aches for the time apart we’ll have to spend today. Aren’t we a great pair?
“Don’t lie on my bed. I’ll never get out the door,” I call out after her.
Her jubilant laughter echoes through the bathroom as she leaves.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Christian put up a good front last night when I told him about Bill’s reappearance and the poker parties. But as we said goodbye earlier today at my front door, rocking back on his heels, hesitant to leave, I knew that my secret was like a third wheel in the room. I just hoped as I moved farther away from that life, it would be in our rearview mirror.
As I walk into Rose & Ivy later that day, I’m filled with nervous energy. I’m here to go over some plans for the clothes I’m about to send out to be made. So when the small hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge, I shrug it off.
“Vanessa,” Adeline coos when I enter the shop. “I’m dying to see what you have.”
The middle-aged woman sits on the couch in the middle of the sales floor. It’s one of those boutiques unworried about wasting square footage on furniture instead of items to sell.
“I can’t wait to hear what you think,” I say, pulling out my sketches and samples of fabric for each design and setting them on the table in front of her.
“You look tired, but with those pink cheeks I’m guessing you had a good night last night.” She shoots me a knowing smile and my cheeks feel like someone put a flamethrower to them.
“Well.” I shrug and take a seat.
She waves her perfectly manicured hand in the air. “Don’t be embarrassed. If I looked like you, I’d be having some hot sex, too.”
She speaks as though she’s not a successful businesswoman who looks like she stepped out of Vogue magazine. Actually, that’s likely one of the reasons we connected so well when we first met.
“Well… it’s new,” I say, a little uncomfortable.
She nods in understanding. “New explains the flush. This is what old looks like.” She waves her hand across her body.
She’s wearing skinny jeans and an oversized sweater that hangs off one shoulder. Not too much jewelry but enough to add a delicate touch to her casual outfit. Her rock of a wedding ring glimmers in the overhead lights. I’d be more than satisfied to look like her when I’m “old.”
“Not that I’m complaining, he loves me, and I wouldn’t trade him for all the hot sex you’re having.”
Adeline is the nicest person I approached about selling a line to. She said she started with a degree and nothing else. Lucky for her, the boy she fell in love with in college turned out to be a smart businessman who gave her this opportunity, but she’s made it what it is today.
“I’m glad you’re in a happy marriage,” I say because I honestly don’t know what to say.
She places her wild colored reading glasses on her face, touching a few of the fabrics, tracing the lines of my sketches with the tip of her finger.
While she looks over all my designs, my mind wanders. I’m riding high on my Cristian cloud and I think forward to when I’ll see him tonight. Wait, I will see him, right? We never actually made plans. I realize that I have no idea what his expectations are…what it means to be his girlfriend. Will we see each other every night or just a few times a week? Does he expect me to prepare dinner for him? Or pick up his uniform at the dry cleaners? My mind conjures up a million what-ifs until I can’t think straight.
Stop the insanity.
“I love it, Vanessa.” Adeline’s voice finally draws me from my mental cage. “You really have a great eye and the fact that Rose & Ivy will have your debut collection…we’re honored.”
I release a relieved breath. “I’m so happy to hear that. Do you have any suggestions of what you think will sell better?”
“Try not to go too young. I know you can wear next to nothing and look great, but my regular customers aren’t willing to show a ton of skin. Everything you have here is perfect for my clientele. When do you have it projected to be ready? I’d like my spring lines to be in store by February because a lot of my clients vacation around that time of year.”
“It shouldn’t be a problem. I wanted your okay and as soon as you send me a purchase order with how many of each in what size, I’ll send everything to the manufacturer. They predicted it would take about a month or so to complete, so I should have everything right after Christmas.”
She claps. “That’s great. Since I love this, why don’t we get started on a summer line for you, too. I’m going to put you on the right side of the window. Do you have a logo and promotional materials? Maybe we can do a coming soon display. If you could get an outfit from the spring line in short order, we could do a ‘don’t miss out’ tease or something. I want our clients to be as excited about this launch as you and I both are.”
Adeline is talking a mile a minute and as much as I love her enthusiasm, the amazing feeling I had vanishes because I don’t have any of those things. I didn’t even think of a logo or promotional materials. I’ve been so focused on the cost and execution of having the clothes made.
“Also, you’ll need a website where customers can go and see what you’ll be offering.” She practically bounces on the couch. “I’m so excited. Can you tell? Grant, my husband, always tells me to calm down, don’t put the cart in front of the horse, but Vanessa, I can’t wait to help you bust your way into this business.” She stands and I watch her head behind the counter as I sit there silently, still trying to take everything in. “Wine? I know it’s not dinner yet, but I have some small muffins I picked up from the bakery this morning.”
“Oh, I…”
“They’re pumpkin spice.”
She laughs, bringing two glasses of white wine and a tray with four mini pumpkin spice muffins over to the couch.
“Now that we have business over with, tell me all about this new guy.”
I lean farther back into the couch, more relaxed than I was a minute ago. Cristian is a topic I could talk about for hours. “Well…”
For the next half an hour before her staff comes in and she opens, I tell her about Cristian and how I have no idea how it all transformed, but I can’t seem to tell him no.
When I leave Rose & Ivy, I check my phone since I heard it buzzing a few times in my purse during my meeting.
Cristian has text messaged me four times.
Cristian: How did it go?
Cristian: She’d be crazy not to love your designs.
Funny since he’s never seen the designs, though I do appreciate his support.
Cristian: My dick misses you.
Cristian: Should I name my dick? I’ve never done that but I have a feeling I’ll be talking about him a lot with you. ;)
Just as I’m about to type out a response, a new message pops up.
Cristian: Scratch that. I’ve spent way too much time with Jericho today.
I chuckle on the street corner, my fingers ready to hammer a text back when I notice a black town car come to a stop beside me in my peripheral vision.
I try to tell myself there are hundreds of them in the city, until the window rolls down and Bill is opening the back door.
Tucking my phone back in my purse, I hold my portfolio tight against my chest.
; “Vanessa, let’s go for a ride.”
His tone of voice makes it clear it’s not a request. He slides over and my heart rate picks up. Cristian comes to mind and I wonder if I should text him?
And have him be my savior once again? I’m sick of being the damsel in distress. I handled this before Cristian, I can do the same now.
“I’m in a rush, Bill. What do you need? I left. Remember?” I lean down and peer into the car seeing him in his classic plaid shirt with silver buttons and worn jeans over a pair of cowboy boots. The back of the town car smells like a distillery and cigar smoke.
“Thomas will drop you where you’re going.”
Inhaling a deep breath, I repeat the rules in my head I’ve been told my entire life.
Don’t get in the car. Don’t get in the car.
What do I do? I get in the car. I need this in our rearview mirror permanently if I’m ever going to move on with my life.
Thomas presses the gas before my door is all the way shut. Bill says something to him and Thomas apologizes and mumbles something about a bus behind him.
“So…” His word hangs in the air. His eyes fall over my body from head to toe and back up.
I shiver under his gaze—not the pleasant kind. His attention unsettles me and it’s the reason I left. It was an easy gig that paid exceptionally well and yes it was illegal, but it’s not like I was the king pin or anything. But it was a common occurrence where Bill recruited beautiful women with the promise of money but eventually tried to sleep with them. I saw the signs and when I refused him one night, the anger in his eyes was a stark reminder that I needed to get the hell out.
“I told you I was finished.”
“Oh Vanessa, the guys are wondering where their favorite girl is. I haven’t found anyone who can remember drink orders, let alone the names of their kids. They miss the easy conversation with a gorgeous woman.”
“I wish I could help you, Bill, but I’m finally moving forward with my life. I just had a meeting and someone is picking up my line.” The excitement bursts from me, but Bill lights a cigarette and cracks the window a fraction.
“If you stay with me, you can have a whole shop. Hell, you’d make enough to be in New York or Paris or wherever you want.”
“I’m sorry Bill. I can’t.” I shift in my seat, hoping he’ll realize there’s no way to persuade me.
Thomas winds out of downtown and I really hope he’s driving me home.
“I think you should reconsider.”
“I’ve seen the guy. A cop, Van?” He tosses his cigarette out the window. “He’s not the one for you. What are you gonna be? Pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen fetching his beer every night? That’s not you. You’re a star and he’s going to suck all the shine right out of you.”
He turns in his seat, but I shift my legs toward the door.
“Leave him out of this,” I say, panic making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
“Why? Afraid he’ll get hurt? I don’t make it a habit to hurt people,” he says, his voice low because he’s bent his head to my ear, the stench of smoke nauseating me.
“I just…”
I’ve seen Thomas hurt people. People who went too far. Owed the house. Disrupted a game. Those people were used as an example to not screw over Bill Versavich.
“You like him.”
I say nothing.
“It’s clear the way you press your body to him. The way you allow him to kiss you against a fence in broad daylight. You’re a needy bitch wrapping your legs around his waist. You throw yourself at him.” His tone is caustic.
I reach for the handle. Bill has never been mean to me, but I see now that I’ve crossed some imaginary line and he’s revealing his true self.
“We’re moving, Vanessa. Use that pretty head of yours.”
My phone beeps in my purse, but I ignore it.
“Is that Prince Charming now?” His gaze flicks down to my purse.
“I’m sorry, but I gave you notice and I’m out.”
Thomas stops at a red light and I’m relieved to see we’re in my neighborhood. My hand finds the door handle and I thrust the heavy door open. But Thomas slams on the gas and the door falls shut and I fall to the cushion of the backseat before escaping.
“You know what I’ve always loved about you, Vanessa? Your sweet innocence. Did you think I didn’t know I hit gold when the daughter of a commander in Chicago’s finest wanted to come work for me? I celebrated with three hookers that night. Your first week, I actually thanked the man upstairs for bringing you to my doorstep.”
He found me, it should be added. Through a girl I worked with at a grocery store.
Pulling out a file I didn’t notice from the other side him, he tosses it in my lap. “How do you think Daddy would react to these?”
Inside are pictures of me talking with different men as they placed bets. Me counting money and handing it over to a winner. Me in a short, slutty dress and fishnets bending over and a customer’s hand inches from my ass. That guy might have got a broken arm for the move, but it was purposely recorded for this purpose.
It’s clear to me now that I am in over my head.
“Please, Bill. Can’t we just figure this out between us?”
“We can.” The car stops and my eyes see the safety of my house. Lauren’s outside with our neighbors, throwing a softball to the little girl. “I’ll pick you up Wednesday night at seven. Dress extra slutty, I have big clients flying in for this one and I need it to go well.”
“One and I’m done?” I ask.
His head wavers back and forth like he’s thinking about it.
“I need you for five nights. And you train the new girl for me. Make sure she knows the ropes and how to fleece more money outta these guys.”
I put my hand out. “Promise?”
He stares down at my hand. “You know you can’t trust my handshake, right?” He laughs at me in a way that makes me feel like a foolish child. “I’m not some old-school businessman but you give me this weekend and I’ll finally let you go.”
I retract my hand. “Fine. Wednesday at seven.”
I step out of the town car and the slamming door alarms Lauren who watches me climb out with distaste clear in her features. Keeping her eyes steady on the town car, she watches it drive down the street, the softball still in her hands.
“Lauren?” Jade calls out to her.
I wave and walk up the stairs to our house.
“I’ll be right back, Jade.” Lauren follows me up the steps.
“I’ll throw,” I hear Reed say.
“You’re a boy, you can’t throw a softball.”
Reed laughs. “You know who should be throwing with you? Uncle Dean. Did you know he used to play baseball?”
The door shuts, leaving Reed and Jade’s conversation behind it.
Lauren starts in on me immediately. “Tell me what the fuck is going on because I thought you were with Cristian last night. This time I’m not taking the brush off. It’s time you finally come clean!” Her voice just about rattles the windows.
“Call Maddie,” I say in a dire voice and walk up the stairs into my bedroom, happy to hide out for as long as I can until I have to face reality.
Chapter Thirty
“Oh, Van,” Maddie sighs in reaction.
She’s still in her overalls with paint splattered all over them. Lauren called her and even though she was painting one of the rooms in her new place, she came right over here, stopping for a dozen donuts on the way. What a great friend.
“What the hell were you thinking? He’s not going to let you go. Don’t think that if you work this weekend, it’s over.” Lauren paces around my room, scolding me like I’m her child.
“He said and I—”
“What? Can trust him? Because I think he said you were out once before and now he wants you back. And he’s blackmailing you. And following you a
round. Christ Vanessa. Why do you love to push the boundaries so much?”
I pick at my nails feeling like the disappointing daughter for the umpteenth time in my life.
“Relax, Lauren. You screaming isn’t going to fix this.” Maddie the rational one joins in, picking at a donut in the box.
“I told Cristian. He knows about before but if I tell him this, I’m afraid of what he might do.”
Maddie’s hand runs up and down my thigh.
The doorbell rings downstairs.
Maddie and I startle while Lauren bolts for the stairs.
“I hope it’s that son of a bitch because I have some things to say to him. He thinks he can fuck with my friend’s life? Well, my size six is going to look magnificent up his sleazy ass.”
“Laur.” Maddie chases after her.
Lauren whips the door open without caution and there’s a man standing there. A man I don’t recognize wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.
“Hi, I’m Jack. Cristian sent me.”
Lauren turns to look at me at the bottom of the staircase. I shrug.
“I’m here to install an alarm system,” Jack says.
Maddie sighs.
My eyes widen.
Lauren cracks up laughing and then shuts the door in his face. Opening it halfway again, she sticks her head out through the crack. “One minute, we just need to verify.”
“You should be afraid, Van. Cristian doesn’t even know yet and he’s installing an alarm system.”
I walk over to the entryway table and pull my phone from my purse. Sure enough, there’s a text message from him, as well as three missed phone calls.
Cristian: I wanted to talk to you first, but I have a friend coming over. He works at the fire station with Mauro and does alarm systems on the side. I know what you said, but I’d feel better if you had an alarm. I hope you don’t feel like this is me trying to control you, I just feel better when I know the person I care so much about is protected. Call it a cop thing. ;)