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On Thin Ice Page 6
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“Fuck! How did you convince me to do this?” Her eyes shut and she lets go of my hand, gripping the other metal handle for dear life.
I laugh.
“It's not funny. We're going to die. I'm going to die before I even have a chance to compete.”
I laugh harder this time and her foot moves to the side to kick me.
“Maybe you just need to be distracted,” I say. “Should I take of my coat and shirt?”
She huffs and I know if her eyes were open she’d be rolling them and I smile.
“Not even the sight of your Sochi tattoo on those pecs of yours can help me now.”
I chuckle.
“Speaking of, you didn’t have that tattoo when we were fooling around four years ago.”
“I got it after the games. I’ll get one after these games, too. Something to remember them by.”
“Makes sense,” she says.
I’m thinking I may have successfully distracted her when the ride jolts a bit and she let’s a cry out and grips even tighter.
“Okay, okay, relax. We're slowing down now. Almost done.”
The tension in her body diminishes the tiniest bit. If I wasn’t so in tune with her body, I probably wouldn’t have noticed.
“Thank God.”
The ride comes to an end a few seconds later and Demi can't get out of the harness fast enough.
“Okay, that was my one adrenaline rush today.” She points her finger at me.
I grab her finger and pull her to me, my lips landing on hers. She doesn't fight me or push me away. She wraps her arms around my waist, inching up on her toes to get even closer to me.
“I'm proud of you,” I say, once I pull back.
A smile I've yet to see crosses her lips. It almost makes me think she doesn't hear that nearly enough.
“Thanks.” She rises on her toes one more time, planting a kiss on my lips. “Can we shop now?”
I roll my eyes. “Sure.”
Hand in hand we leave the ride, but my phone dings again and I don't even have to look to see who it's from because four sets of eyes are focused on us when we step out of the exit.
* * *
“Funny meeting you here,” Grady says, fist bumping me.
Mia swarms Demi and a reluctant Skylar joins the girls in what is probably a mission ditch Dax conversation.
“Funny, asshole,” I say to Beckett whose two dimples are so far indented into his face that I'd like to punch the smug look right off.
“Hey, you gave me the ammo,” he holds his hands out to his sides.
“How was the game show?” Grady asks, wrapping his arm around Mia now that the girls’ private convo is over.
We share a look and shrug. “Kind of a letdown,” Demi answers.
“Well, we're heading to some Bar-B-Que place.” Beckett thumbs away from where we're at. “Wanna join?”
“Sure,” Demi says way too fast for my liking.
I would’ve been happy to spend the day with just her, but my friends are cool, too. I just can't touch her as much with them here. That's the suck ass part.
We walk to the restaurant as a group. Grady and Mia are all touchy-feely, Skylar's arm is now linked through Demi's, leaving me with Beckett, who won't stop side glancing me.
“What?” I ask.
He shrugs. “Nothing.”
We leave Lotte World, the amusement park, and I keep waiting for Skylar to stop her rambling about what they all did this morning and what train did we take, and can Demi believe how fast it was. My body hums for Demi to walk closer to me. To watch her put on her lip balm, to point things out or to share a laugh when someone really odd walks by. I don't want to walk with Beckett. I mean he's cool and everything but if I had a choice…
“I'm surprised you stayed in Seoul. Don't you have to get back?” Beckett asks.
He's right. My prelims are in two days. The last thing I should be doing is walking the streets of Seoul, eating their food, but lately, the Classics are the furthest thing from my mind. I'd have my thumb up my ass if I stayed back anyway. I did my workout and my visualization exercises this morning, so in my books, I’m good.
“It's just a waiting game until qualifiers. Figured some down time might do me good.”
He slaps me on the back. “We'll be there for you, brah.” The California accent that earned him the nickname Hoff appears briefly.
“And I'm sure Demi will be there, too.”
I look at him from the corner of my eye. “Stop digging. We're just having fun.”
He nods and says nothing else, but I know his mind is working overtime. It always is.
Ten minutes later we walk into the restaurant and I'm hoping I can arrange it so I can sit next to Demi. Surely a little touchy feely on the upper thigh is okay.
But Skylar being the cockblocker she's become, somehow manipulates the entire situation so that Demi and I are seated across from each other. I can't even play footsie with her since the table has a grill in the middle of it.
She looks over at me, smiling and then placing the napkin in her lap and picking up her menu. Guess she doesn't really care.
The waitress comes over, and we pretty much order whatever she suggests since we can’t understand the menu. Although we’ve had Korean Bar-B-Que when we came for the press tour, others took care of our ordering for us because of the language barrier.
Then it was like a buffet was set up on our table. Bowls with small portions came out filled with cucumbers, radishes, bean sprouts and a bunch of other ones with sauce over them, soup, salad, white rice. The traditional kimchi placed down.
“Sake?” the waitress asks, holding a small bottle up in the air with six shot glasses on her tray.
“Definitely.” Beckett raises his hand.
Says the man that's done competing. Demi and I both decline since we're only days away now, but the other four don't mind sharing the bottle.
The waitress brings a tray of meat and picks up the items, putting the pieces on the grill in the middle of the table.
“This is so fun” Demi says, sitting up a little straighter in her chair.
She takes her chopsticks, and looks to the bowls, picking up a piece of cucumber and eating it. Her movements are so flawless, while I'm just thankful the waitress brought us forks and spoons. They must be used to the foreigners with the Classics going on.
“Want to learn?” Demi asks me since my eyes are fixated on her placing the cucumber in her mouth.
It's not the chopsticks I want right now but I’ll play along.
“My hands are way too big to handle those.”
She laughs and all four of our friend’s heads twist her way. Demi raises her eyebrows staring back at them like what's the matter?
“You laughed?” Mia asks.
“Yeah, people tend to do that when I speak,” I say.
Demi laughs again, rolling her eyes.
“She did it again?” Skylar says.
“I'm not a robot, guys. I do have a sense of humor.” Demi places the chopsticks down and a pink flush washes over her pale face and neck.
“But it was Dax. You laughed at Dax.” Mia literally sounds confused by the situation.
Demi's gaze rests on me. “He's kind of funny.” The look on her face says it’s more like we have a private joke that we really don't want to share with others.
“I'm so confused. I thought you guys were just fucking,” Skylar chimes in.
“We are,” Demi confirms and then looks to me, eyes wide like she needs me to back her up.
“Yeah, we’re in it strictly for the orgasms.”
Demi laughs again, and the girls share a look amongst themselves, but let it rest.
“Now do you want me to show you?” Demi asks, already getting out of her seat to come over.
“You can show me anything. Preferably your tits.” I lean back in my seat.
She smacks me upside the back of my head.
“There you go. Now
we’re back to normal,” Beckett comments as the four of them ding their shot glasses in a toast and sip their sake.
I’m starting to wonder if there’s no going back to normal for Demi and me.
Chapter Twelve
The one good thing about Demi and I still having our events is that we hop on a train back to the village by ourselves while the other four stay to go to a club. There were days I'd go to that club and get shit-faced whether I had to train the next day or not. But today, alone time with her sounds like a better option.
She walks the train and although I love watching her ass, I'm ready to sit the fuck down and relax. Maybe even take a nap on the way back. I ate way too much food, but the amount of walking we did today should’ve counteracted it. At least, I hope.
Finally, she slides into a bench seat and I slide in the one across from her so we can face each other. I prop my feet up on the empty space next to her and rest my head back.
“Tired?” she asks.
“Eh.” I shrug my shoulders watching out the window, waiting for the train to start.
It's late enough that most everyone's commute is over, but early enough people are still out partying, so the entire station and train almost seem deserted. Which will be beneficial for my nap. I close my eyes and let out a long breath.
“You know we can't fall asleep, right?” She kicks me with her foot.
It seems like ages ago that she last showed me any of her aggressive affection.
“Why would that be?” I pry one eye open.
“Robbers,” she says it like I'm an idiot for not knowing. “When I was a senior in high school, we went to Europe for a class trip and my friend got all her money and her passport stolen.”
“Because she fell asleep on a train?”
“So, we're not sleeping on the train?” I ask for clarification although I'm certain of the answer.
I move my feet down to the floor, sit up a little straighter. “We should’ve grabbed some coffee before we got on.”
She’s staring at me like she's waiting for me to say something.
She leans forward, her hands sliding up my jeans, her thumbs on the inside of my thighs and she casually gets up and kisses me on the lips while her hand presses down on my crotch.
Maybe I’m not as tired as I thought.
“Maybe we could do other things to stay awake?” she whispers in my ear and then falls back to her seat.
“Why so far away?” I pat the spot next to me.
She pats the spot next to her.
Hell, I don't have to win this round. I get up, shrug off my jacket and sit down next to her.
I lean into her neck like I'm giving her a kiss. “Unzip your coat,” I say in her ear.
Her fingers move to the zipper, and I wait to see those tits my hands have missed all day.
“Put it over your lap,” I say once she’s worked her coat free.
She does as directed, and I place mine over my lap, like they’re blankets we're using for warmth.
The train pulls away from the station, the city lights fading, darkening the sky, which effectively darkens the train since the lights are lowered for the people who want to sleep like I did seconds before Demi restored my energy with her genius idea.
“Lean back and close your eyes,” I say.
I'm not sure what the rules for public indecency are in Korea, but I don’t really want to find out, so I figure we can pretend to sleep.
Instead of her head falling back or toward the window, she presses her face into the side of my arm.
My fingers walk up a path over her hipbone and up to the waist of her leggings. Thank God for leggings and their easy access.
Her arms wrap around mine, tightening as I slowly tuck my hand under the waistband, but just enough to tease her. I go over the top of her panties. Panties that are already wet, but not nearly as soaked as I would’ve liked. My finger glides along the lace trim, feeling the smooth skin underneath.
Grabbing her panties, I pull them up slowly, and they slide into her folds rubbing against her clit. She loves anything that involves her clit and she comes quickly when I concentrate my efforts there, so I let go, my finger traveling down the front of her panties once more.
She groans into my arm, her teeth scraping my bicep.
My palm presses down on her clit with enough pressure that she squeals. Her wetness coats my fingers and I slide her panties aside, my pointer and ring finger teasing her opening.
Her hands grip tighter on my arm as if she’s willing me not to stop. Does she not know me at all? We go all the way, every time.
I slide my palm back up and my fingers graze under her panties when the door of the train opens, and a conductor walks through.
Great timing.
He stops a man who looks half asleep and starts chatting in Korean. His gaze flicks to us momentarily and I smile while my hand continues its path of exploration.
I spread my fingers, positioning her clit between my pointer and middle finger. Squeezing it gently but firm enough that it doesn't slip, my palm puts more pressure on her mound, the tips of my fingers running up and down the slick folds.
Again, her teeth latch on to my skin and her ass slides on the bench, her legs widening.
My mouth waters, wanting to taste her and have her come on my tongue instead of on my fingers. Not that she's enjoying it any less.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the conductor say goodbye to the other guy and he heads our way. We nod, and he looks at our tickets placed on the metal prongs, clicking his puncher on them.
Not stopping my hand under the jackets, his vision never even goes there until Demi groans.
He backs up one step, looking from her to me.
“A dream. Crossing my fingers it's about me.” I hold up my free hand with crossed fingers.
The scowl doesn't leave his face and I'm not even sure if he understood me.
He scrutinizes the situation once more and then carries on, right as I use the magic touch and Demi coats my entire hand.
She lifts her head and rests it on my arm, staring up at me like I'm a rock star and damn if I couldn't get used to looking at that face every day.
I’m starting to realize that I might just be fucked. And not in the literal sense.
Chapter Thirteen
I've always hated Valentine's Day. Ever since I was younger, before it was mandatory that every kid gives every other kid in class a valentine. Not that my box was ever empty, but I stressed the entire night before about whether a girl would drop one in my box.
Grady and Mia stayed in Seoul to celebrate and Beckett and Skylar were hanging out with her family.
After my morning workout I headed to the local stores and now I’m knocking on the familiar door of Demi Harrison.
“Hey you.” She swings the door wide open and heads back to the desk where she continues putting on her makeup.
I hold up the two bags in my hand. “Happy Valentine's Day.”
Her mouth hangs open, surprise etched in every one of her features. “I didn't get you anything.”
I take a seat and pat the spot next to me on the bed. She stands, a frown forming on her face the closer she gets to me.
“Relax. It's not a diamond necklace.”
She sits down. “Well, break my heart why don't you.” The grin on her face says she's not serious.
Why would she be? The words about how she expects nothing from me keep rattling around in my head. Something I’m not used to.
“Bag one.” I hold out the red gift bag with no tissue paper and nothing to make it seem even remotely special by any means. I keep telling myself I don’t want her to make a big deal about it.
She sets it on her lap, glancing my way before opening it.
“Oh my God, I'm going to have to hide these.” She pulls out a bunch of candy bars, suckers, and chips. She leans over and kisses me on the cheek. “Tha
nk you.”
“That was for drawer number one. Now for drawer number two.” I hand her the pink bag. The one that took me a while to find, but luckily Koreans are as horny as the rest of the world apparently.
Her smile widens, but she appears hesitant to open it. She peeks in and then shuts it, looking at me from the corner of her eye.
“Don't act shy.” I chuckle.
She slowly opens the bag and her hands take out each item. “A cock ring, handcuffs, a blindfold, and a feather.”
“I didn't know how freaky you'd get, so I kept it conservative. I figured you didn't have much in drawer number two as far as sex toys you can use with someone else.”
She sets the bag on the bed next to the array of toys. “Why do you assume that?”
Her face is straight-laced and I think I offended her. “Well—”
“Do you think I'm a prude?”
“No, I—”
“That I’d never do anything but missionary? I think I've proven to you, my experience isn't limited.”
“Well, yeah, wait.” I raise my hand. “What are we talking about here? Like the number of partners you’ve had? Or have you had the lesbo experience? Tell me all about it.”
Images flash through my mind and, oh hell yeah, if we’re talking lesbo shit I wanna know all about it.
She pushes me on the chest and I collapse to her pillow. Crawling up my body, she swings a leg on either side of me.
“You want to hear about me and Skylar? How before you came, we'd share that small bed over there?” Her hands are planted on my chest, my hands molded to her hips.
“Anyone but Skylar and I'd be all game,” I deadpan.
“Mia?” she asks.
“Shit. No. Someone else.”
She laughs falling on top of me, her hand running along my cheek in the most affectionate way anyone has ever done causing shivers to race over my skin.
I roll us over.
“Ouch.” She squirms, and I pick up my head to look at her.
“I know I'm rock solid, but you've never complained before?”
She shakes her head, a smile teasing her lips. “I fell this morning.”
“Where?” I sit up, my eyes scouring her body like I have x-ray vision and can see through her clothes.